Retained & Contingent Search

Our model is simple, your success is our success, without the “BS”. We work Qwikly to grow your business. In addition to our Technology Search capabilities, we are uniquely positioned to help identify and attract professionals at the executive, middle to upper levels of management, in both single-search and multiple managed search projects in all career disciplines.

Our tailored search process offers supreme access to active and passive candidate pools, real-time market data on salaries and candidate availability, and proprietary tools such as the QwikTalent Marketplace. 

Whether your company’s needs revolve around a sprint to launch a  new product, series A,B, C funding, employee turnover, organizational change, or location expansion, our scalable and innovative approach lets organizations maximize resources and put the right talent in place to drive businesses forward.


Consulting & Contract Services

Our QWIK consulting services focus on our clients’ most critical issues and opportunities: strategy, marketing, organization, operations, technology, transformation, digital, advanced analytics, corporate finance, mergers & acquisitions, and sustainability across all industries and geographies. We bring deep, functional expertise, but are known for our holistic perspective: we capture value across boundaries and between the silos of any organization. We have proven a multiplier effect from optimizing the sum of the parts, not just the individual pieces.  



Recruitment Outsourcing & Project Recruitment

Our Project Recruitment solution is specifically designed to address the emergent critical volume hiring activities for our clients. We help clients respond quickly to specific business challenges that surround a merger or acquisition event, corporate relocation, geographical expansion, new product launch, or just a capacity gap. We not only get the right people in, but we can make it happen Qwikly.  


Whether you want to hire 10 people or 200+, our innovative search process gives you unrivaled access to people actively looking for roles, as well as connecting you to the talent that isn’t actively looking to move but have the skills that you need. You’ll get access to the industry’s richest data on salary expectations, our comprehensive experience, research on keeping your people engaged and in the business, and our best-in-class proprietary assessment tools.